Crisis Journal: Entries II-IV

Monday 3.23.20

Since the quarantine began, I've actually found that my health has been gradually declining. I started becoming exhausted, dizzy, and started having cold sweats at night, along with nightmares. I think the stress of this entire situation is getting to me and just having idle time throughout the day hasn't been great. For one thing, we're supposed to limit how often we go outside so I haven't been getting as much fresh air, so I have migraines most of the day lately.

Plus, since there's no school, it's not like I've been as active--I used to have plenty of time to go to go work out during my free periods, in addition to gym class and climbing up and down flights of stairs all day. Now that I don't really have to work out, finding the motivation to is even harder, so I've really not been keeping up with that.

I also ate basically all of my meals at school since none of the food we have at home particularly appeals to me, so now that I don't have the cafeteria, I haven't been eating much--some days, I don't eat at all. It leaves me with such little energy that I have to spend most of the day sleeping, but I'm finding that as time goes on, my appetite diminishes as well. Even when I have the option of a food I love, I usually feel too nauseous to finish it. I'm concerned that once this is all over, I still won't be able to enjoy food like I used to. I know people complain about the cafeteria food but that was literally the only way I was sustaining myself.

Wednesday 3.25.20

My health has continued to deteriorate. I woke up with a sore throat and pretty nasty cough, which isn't exactly new to me, so I didn't fret too much. I've always been pretty sickly and my immune system isn't in the best condition--for example, I've had an elevated white blood cell count since last July--but I rarely break a fever. Even when I had a severe case of norovirus, I didn't break a fever. In fact, my temperature actually dropped pretty significantly. Regardless, it is very atypical for me to get a fever, even when I'm ill, so I was a little caught off guard when my mum noticed that I was warm and checked my temperature: I have a fever right now.

Although neither of them are doctors, both of my parents work downtown at Northwestern Hospital and have to come in for work. Apparently there are now police walking around campus and will be fined if you're found outside without a good reason--my mum currently has to carry a document with her when she's at work, stating that because her work is in biomedical technology, she's permitted to work in the lab and does not have to work from home. My friend from middle school, who moved to Florida after eighth grade, told me that where she is, people can be arrested for leaving their homes.

Friday 3.27.20

My sleep schedule is absolutely wack. I find myself falling asleep around five or six in the morning and waking up some time after noon. Last night, I put on a full face of makeup at one in the morning for absolutely no reason, started an entire workout session at four in the morning, and went on a manic brain-vomiting binge on my Snapchat story which I'm definitely going to regret within the following 24 hours. I'll blame it on my backwards sleep schedule, but I think the quarantine has kind of generally ruined my mindset.

I was calling my friends yesterday and had an in-depth conversation about how one of my friends cannot recall a time he ever felt sadness because he chooses to laugh at and belittle everything in his life and about how another chooses not to to take unnecessary action regardless of the positive effects they could potentially bring because their actions in an infinite universe are ultimately so infinitesimal that they may as well be meaningless. I regret calling my friends.

In other news, I'm still moderately sick, but less so. I'm awake most of the day and night, but I'm asleep through most of the day which isn't exactly ideal. I have to start waking up at 8:30am on Monday. That is almost definitely not happening.


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